Employee Survey

Goal, evaluation, software, data protection

Mask group 5 Employee Surveys

What are the benefits of a modern employee survey? What do I have to pay attention to when creating and conducting it? How do the evaluations lead to effective change processes?

Here we will answer these and many other questions about employee surveys. With many tips for executing the survey and analysing the survey data, important information on data protection – and much more.


Hype about modern feedback instruments

What exactly is the ‚employee voice‘ all about? More and more companies are discovering the feedback of their employees as a basis for designing attractive workplaces and specific initiatives. After all, in the highly competitive labor market, talented people have a lot of options. Not only the younger generations are looking for an employer where they feel valued and can actively participate in shaping their everyday working lives.

Employee feedback is therefore not just a hype or trend in HR. It will be an integral part of the future workplace. This requires modern feedback tools which meet the relevant needs.


Feedback der Mitarbeiter:innen ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg

In an employee survey, employees are systematically asked about their opinions and attitudes on various topics that are relevant to the company’s goals and strategy. With their participation in the survey, constructive feedback is collected and internal communication is promoted. Surveys are already a well established instrument for HR management. However, their use as a modern feedback tool requires modernization towards an agile survey concept.

Goals and benefits of an employee survey

Employee surveys are a means to an end and not an end in themselves: modern employee surveys pursue the goal of accompanying changes, bringing about improvements and evaluating actions taken.

Goals of an employee survey

Employees should not be surveyed simply for the sake of it. In fact, that could have severe negative consequences. Before a survey is set up and conducted, a clear goal must be defined.

Goals at a glance:

  • Identification of weaknesses and opportunities for improvement
  • Gathering information (satisfaction, working atmosphere, management style, feedback)
  • Support of change processes
  • Strengthening communication between managers and employees
  • Control/assessment of work processes
  • Benchmarking, i.e. collection of comparative data

The 4 benefits of an employee survey

  1. Make better decisions: Establish a data-based foundation for your organizational development and decision-making to attract, develop and retain your employees.

  2. Targeted use of employee feedback and HR data: Give your employees a voice and collect feedback on a variety of topics to improve the work experience in a focused way.

  3. Introduce advanced data analytics: Benefit from AI-powered processes and diagnostic analytics to generate tailored recommendations for action.

  4. Provide targeted support to managers: Enable data-based leadership to guide and evaluate change.

Conducting an employee survey in 8 steps

Conducting surveys is a multi-step project. That is why we recommend a continuous 8-step process for implementation, evaluation, and assessment.

Selection of modern employee survey software

Software plays a significant role in conducting online surveys. Digital employee surveys are a great facilitator for the efficient collection of feedback. The survey tool should consist of two components:

Collecting feedback

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Evaluation of feedback

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Modern surveys require an innovative software solution. It not only performs the survey but also covers the analytics process in a completely automated way. The results are made available in an interactive dashboard in real time. This greatly minimizes the effort required by HR staff and the free resources can be used entirely for the interpretation of the insights and the planning of strategically relevant actions.

When selecting a software, the general requirements must be determined in advance. Providers of employee surveys have different levels of maturity with regard to the features of their software solution and differ with regard to support for the entire survey process.

A professional provider covers all necessary features with a web-based software solution for conducting and evaluating employee surveys:

  • Selection of best-practice questionnaires from a broad catalog of survey items

  • Automated distribution of survey invitations and online questionnaire

  • Automated, AI-powered analysis of feedback in real time

  • Communication of results via role-specific dashboard views for all relevant user groups in a web-based, interactive dashboard

  • Derivation of specific recommendations for action

  • Evaluation of actions and change processes

Checkliste: Anbieterauswahl Mitarbeiterbefragungssoftware

Mitarbeiterbefragung Anbieter Checkliste

Fragebogenerstellung. Auswertung und Analyse. Maßnahmenplanung und Folgeprozess. Datenschutz. Eine Mitarbeiterbefragungssoftware muss einige Kriterien erfüllen. Diese Checkliste hilft Ihnen, Anbieter zu vergleichen und die für Sie passende Softwarelösung zu finden!